Monday, August 11, 2014

Project Week

This blog post is entitled "Project Week" because we spent our time crab fishing and car shopping.  We actually made our final purchase on a car TODAY, so pictures will be posted on the next blog.  We're excited for that! 

Blake always finds the best hide-and-seek 

Purchasing toys for Blake is pointless 
considering he prefers sticks that he finds
around the property.  

Bjørn and Eivind getting things ready for
crab fishing. 

Bjørn pulling up a crab pot. 

Sometimes we catch lobsters during crab fishing.  We 
throw them back because we cannot legally keep 
lobsters until October. 

A few crabs from the days catch.  

Amdahl farm has many fruit trees.
This tree in particular, is a plum tree.  

Here is a closer look of the plum tree.  It's
in season now so when we're hanging out 
on the farm, we wander over to the plum 
trees for a quick snack.  

A nice sunset view at Amdahl farm. 

Kristine's grandfather is working on clearing
a field of large rocks.  The rocks will eventually
be placed in the ocean to create a pier for the
neighbor.  It's also beneficial for clearing the land
for better farming conditions.  

Kristine's little toad friend. 

At one time, there were many workers on 
the farm.  These workers stayed in small
shack like homes.  The remains of these
small homes are still found around the farm.
To my understanding, these homes stood 
in the early 1800's...could be wrong though...

My favorite time of the day is evening.  The
farm looks great this time of day.  This is a 
nice picture of the farm house, barn, and 
Mount Hest.   

We boiled the crabs after catching them.  Kristine, her
grandmother, and sister prepared the crabs to be eaten.
In total, we caught about 30, which is plenty for
a nice family meal. 

This is how the crabs looked just before we ate them.

Crab claws

Crab bodies

A nice picture of Kristine, Eivind, her grand
parents, Bjørn, and Anna. 

I'm really excited about watching the Packers
this season.  Watching them from Norway
will take some getting used considering 
not many people are interested in American

This is a picture of our kitchen.  And yes, 
that's a cutting boar shaped like America.  

This is another picture of our kitchen from a different
angle.  It's not a large kitchen by any means, but for
Kristine and myself, it works well.  

This is a picture of our living area.  It's a large space
with lots of natural light.  The folks before us left their 
piano.  That could come in handy someday.  

This is our living area from a different angle.  The 
object on the right side is a wood burner.  
We plan on  using this in the winter time.  Our 
landlord kindly offered us free fire wood to use.  

Living room picture.  I think I took this 
photo while the Packer game was on.  

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