Thursday, August 21, 2014

About a month later...

About one month into my Norwegian adventure, I am finally "settling in" and living in Norway feels more like a lifestyle rather than a vacation.  I have been trying very hard to learn the language.  At times it feels like it'll never happen, or at least that I should know more than I do.  It's extremely frustrating and perhaps one of the most difficult tasks I'll ever accomplish.  With the exception of music, most academics are difficult for me.   Eventually I will be enrolled in Norwegian classes but until then it's up to me to try my best to learn as much as possible by my own instruction.  I cannot wait until I am fluent in Norwegian.  It'll happen some day!

This is our new car!  For now, we're sharing it.  It's
a 2002 Ford Focus with fairly low mileage considering
how old the car is.  I believe there's less than 100,000
miles on the car.   

The interior is leather which I like because
it's easier to keep clean.  Kristine appreciates
the heated seats.  It's a 5 speed 1.6 liter so it
also gets good gas mileage.  The car came with
8 alloy rims which are currently being stored in
the barn.  I look forward to putting those on.     

The car is also Blake approved!  We needed
a hatchback for Blake to have plenty of space.
We purchased a liner for the back end so his 
shedding doesn't take much to manage.  I 
hope to soon get a bike rack that attaches 
to the trailer hitch so we can drive places far
away and bike.  Possibly around the area of
Kristine's parents cabin.   

One night after a church worship meeting, 
Kristine's cousin Daniel, brother Eivind, and
I went out for a late evening fish.  That night 
I caught a ginormous mackerel.  That'll be hard
to top.   

Last Friday, Bjørn and I went to the HarborFestival in Haugesund.  There were tons of
boats with lots of history behind each one.
Bjørn did his best telling me about someof them so I "think" I know enough to explain
for the purposes of this blog.  

This boat is used for transportation of 
passengers up and around and throughout the

This is dried cod.  Typically dried for many
weeks in the north of Norway, this means
of preparing fish goes way back to when
fish was the largest export of Norway.  

Many of the boats at the festival were well
over 100 years old and impressively restored
to look almost new.  

I think this boat was the first boat to ever
go to America with Norwegian immigrants
back in 1825.  

This is an old one cylinder boat engine. 

More old boat engines...

A good example of how well some of these
boats were taken care of. 

Kristine's uncle Charles and aunt Sandra
ask her and I to be God Parents of their 
twins, Erica and Philip. Today we celebrated 
their baptism.  Notice Kristine's traditional
Norwegian outfit.  

Baptism gifts!

Apparently ring cakes aren't only for weddings
which is what I originally thought. 

The birth of Erica and Philip
happened on the 18th of April, 2014

Kristine's cousin loves pushing this 
highchair/kart around.



  1. Looks like you have a great family over there! :) Thanks for writing! (I'm not sure if my comments ever go--so sorry if it's a duplicate. :))

    1. Thanks Laura. Kristine's family is wonderful! I'm happy to take these opportunities to inform those in America of the new life Christ has in store for Kristine and I.
